Junior School | Thomas Hassall Anglican College

Open Week


Junior School

The Junior School operates from Preparatory through to Year 6 and provide a place where all students are valued and nurtured. We educate the child both academically, socially, physically and foster their Christian journey. The values we teach are Christ centred and our Christian beliefs and attitudes come through every day in all that we teach. We run programs for all levels of academia.

We have a full time College Counsellor who is able to work with individual students who need support. Mrs Petersen is also available to provide support to parents. The values we teach are Christ centred and our Christian beliefs and attitudes come through every day in all that we teach.

Educational Programs

The programs that we develop are based on the NSW Board of Studies Syllabus documents. They are used in most schools throughout the state. They are outcomes based which means that the progress of your child will be matched to stage appropriate outcomes that have been set for each key learning area.

  • English
  • Maths
  • Human Society and its Environment (Social Studies)
  • Science and Technology
  • Creative and Practical Arts
  • Personal Development/Health/P.E

The teachers set benchmarks that the children are expected to achieve. The programs are designed to teach them what they need to attain these expectations. They are taught in Stages which include:

  • Early Stage 1 - Kinder
  • Stage 1 Years 1 & 2
  • Stage 2 Years 3 & 4
  • Stage 3 Years 5 & 6

We strive to enable each child to reach their potential in all areas.



It's about their future ... hear from our parents