Student Transport | Thomas Hassall Anglican College

Open Week



Student Transport

Junior School dismissal time is from 2.35pm. Any student who is not collected by 3pm may be placed in After College Care (this will incur a fee).

Students with older siblings must use the designated pick up zone of the eldest child (including Senior School students).

  • K-2 Southern Cross Drive Kiss and Ride: As this is a Kiss and Ride zone, parents are not permitted to park or leave their car. Student names will be called and staff will be escort students to the cars. It may be necessary for staff to direct cars to move up in the car line to assist with the traffic flow.

  • K-2 Southern Cross Drive Pick Up: Parents collect students on foot from the K-2 playground area entering via Gate 17 and exiting via Gate 18. Parents are not permitted to park or wait in the Southern Cross Drive Kiss and Ride Zone.

  • Prep Pick Up: Parents collect Prep students from the classroom at 2.35pm via Gates 16 or 17. Parents are not permitted to park or wait in the Southern Cross Drive Kiss and Ride Zone.

  • 3-6 Walkthrough Kingsford Smith Avenue 2.35pm: Parents park offsite and walk through from Gate 16 to collect students in Years 3-6 (and younger siblings). Students’ names will be called over the microphone and students will meet their parents in the carpark.

  • 3-6 Kingsford Smith Avenue Kiss and Ride 2.45pm: Parents who wish to collect their children by car, may use the Kingsford Smith Avenue from 2:45pm. Please do not join the queue until 2:45pm. Students will be called over the microphone and escorted to the waiting cars.

  • Public and College Buses: Students in K-6 will be escorted by Junior School staff to the public and College Bus pick up points.

  • Senior School Pick up Zones: Students with siblings in Senior School will be escorted by Junior School staff to the PEC and J Block Pick up points.

* All cars using Flynn Avenue will access the College via Gate 1 or Gate 3

* Cars then turn right to the two designated 'set down and pick up zones'

* Cars will then exit through Gates 2 or 4

* All cars picking up Years 9-12 students will access the College via Gate 1 Flynn Avenue only

* For students in Years 9-12, cars must enter Gate 1 and turn right to the 'set down and pick up zone' in front of PEC.

* Cars will then exit through Gate 2 only

* Please note carpark open from 2:45 only

* All cars picking up Years 7-8 student will access the College via Gate 3 Flynn Ave Only

* For students in Years 7-8, cars must turn right to the 'set down and pick up zone' in front of J Block.

* Cars will then exit through Gate 4 only

* Please note carpark open from 2:45 only

Where your family spans multiple year groups, you should use the 'pick up zone' of the eldest child.

Staff will be available to assist with traffic flow and we ask that you follow their directions.

No Senior School students are to be picked up in the front of the Administration Building.

The College is serviced by Transit Systems.

Students who live the required distance from the College may be eligible for a Travel Pass for bus or train. An Information Booklet is available from the Enrolment Staff or parents can apply online.

All students who are eligible for a concession pass and who have completed the application prior to Orientation Day, will receive the bus pass in Term 1.

Please contact Transit Systems NSW to obtain the most current routes and time.

Transit Systems NSW


To assist with reducing lengthy travel times, the College operates a limited number of direct bus services to areas not being covered by the public bus service. The : Chipping Norton, Moorebank, Wattle Grove, Holsworthy, Sandy Point, Pleasure Point, Voyager Point,Hammondville, Bardia, Denham Court, Edmondson Park and Willowdale. 

A small fee is charged to assist with the running costs. If you are interested in this service, please complete an Application Form, after which you will be advised if seating is available.

Private Bus

College Bus Timetable & Routes

06:15 Depart College

Via M7, M5, (L) Heathcote Rd, (R)Junction Rd, (L) Stockton Ave, (L) Newbridge Rd, (R) Epsom Rd

07.00 Depart Epsom Rd (Cnr Whelan Ave),
07.02 Epsom Rd (Outside No 279),
07.04 Epsom Rd (Outside Vet Surgery), (R) Governor Macquarie Drive,
07.07 Governor Macquarie Drive (Cnr Epsom) continue
07.09 Governor Macquarie Drive (past Cnr Barry Dr) continue, (R) Alfred Rd, 
07:10 Alfred Rd (outside Auto1®) then (L) Nuwarra Rd
07:11 Nuwarra Rd (Cnr Bungarra Cres) then (R) Newbridge, (L) Stockton Ave, (L) Maddecks,
07.15 Maddecks Ave (bus stop behind Woolworths)

Then via Maddecks Ave, (R) Nuwarra Rd, Stop Cnr Marshall St.

07.19 continue via Nuwarra Rd, to (R) Heathcote Rd, (L) M5, (L) M7, (L) Cowpasture Rd, (R) Flynn Ave, (R) Kingsford Smith Dr to College.
07:45 Arrive College

This Service also runs in the afternoon.

06:15 Depart College

Via M7, M5, (L) Heathcote Rd, (R)Junction Rd, (L) Stockton Ave, (L) Newbridge Rd, (R) Epsom Rd

07.10 Stop Central Park, Cnr Biddle St. Then continue Christiansen Blvde.
07.12 Stop at Cnr Bradbury St.
07.13 Stop Bus Stop cnr Ochre St. Then continue Christiansen Blvde, (R) Brickmakers Rd, (L) Nuwarra Rd, (L) Heathcote, (L) Walder Rd
07.16 Stop Walder Ave (Bus Stop at Meehan Ave) Then Continue Walder Rd.
07.18 Hammondville Primary School. Then (R) Stewart, (R) Keato Ave,
07:19 Keato Ave (Bus Shelter)

(R) Heathcote , (L) M5, (L) M7, (L) Cowpasture Rd, (R) Flynn Ave, (R) Kingsford Smith Dr to College.

07:45 Arrive College

This Service also runs in the afternoon.

07.05 Holsworthy Station, Macarthur Dr, (L) Heathcote Rd, (L) Infantry to Bus stop opposite Holsworthy Primary
07:10 Depart Bus Stop opp. Holsworthy Primary School, Infantry Pde then (R) Bardia Pde
07:11 Bardia Pde (Cnr Sattleburg St) then continue Bardia, (L) Village Way,
07:13 Village Way (bus stop Cnr Conroy) then (L) Conroy, (L) Australis Ave,
07:14 Australis Ave (Opposite Tennis Court) continue on Australis Ave,
07:15 Australis Ave (bus stop opposite Claremont Crt) continue becomes Wattle Grove Dr,
07:16  Wattle Grove Dr (at Tusculum Pk, Cnr of Somercotes) continue,
07.18 Wattle Grove Drive (bus stop at Exford Crt)
07:19 Wattle Grove Dr (bus stop Cnr Gracemere Crt) continue,
07:21 Wattle Grove Dr (bus stop at Woodlake) then (L) Delfin Dr, Stop at Playground.
07:23 continue Delfin Dr (Bus Stop Tweed Crt)
07.26 Delfin Dr Bus Stop opposite Wombeyan Crt. Then (R ) Anzac Ave, (R) Moorebank Ave (L) M5, (L) M7, (L) Cowpasture Rd, (R) Flynn Ave, (R) Kingsford Smith Dr to College.
07:40 Arrive College 

This Service also runs in the afternoon.

06:30 Depart College

Via Flynn Ave, (R) Cowpasture Rd, Camden Valley Way, (L) Raby Rd, (L) Emerald Hills Blvd. to Bus Zone.

07:00 Depart Bus Zone, Travel Via Emerald Hills Blvd, continue Jamboree Ave,
07:01 Bus Stop at Emerald Hills P.S. – Continue to
07:02 Bus Stop at Price Ridge – continue to Jamboree Ave
07:03 Stop at Conduit St Playground
07.04 Stop opposite Canal Rd
07:05 Stop at cnr Scout Ave  Then (R) Willowdale Dr, (L) Commissioners Dr,
07:08 Stop before Leppington House Dr.  Then (R) Leppington House Dr,
07:09 Stop cnr Fairbrother Ave, then  (Continue) Fanflower Ave, (R) Commissioners,
07:12 Stop cnr Bushpea Ave, Continue Commissioners Dr,
07:13 Stop outside Denham Court P.S. then (L) Willowdale Dr.
07:14 Stop cnr Nottingham Lane - Then (R) Jamboree Ave,
07:15 Stop at rear of Coles, continue Jamboree Ave
07:16 Stop at rear of Willowdale Retirement Village. Then (L)Denham Court Rd to College
07:35 Arrive College

This Service also runs in the afternoon.

07:05 Denham Court Rd Pick up ay Slip Rd to  Wing Cct.                                                
Continue via (L) Denham Court Rd, (L) Springmead Rd,  (L) Cubitt Dr, (L) Culverston Ave to U-Turn at end ,
07:08 Continue Culverston Ave, (L) Zouch Rd, (L) Campbelltown Rd, (L) McDonald Rd, (R) Henderson Rd to Edmondson Pk Station.
07:17 Depart Station (L) Soldiers Pde, (L) Dalmatia Ave,
07:20 Stop at Bus Stop Cnr Torino Rd. Then (R) Vinny Rd (L) Hartelpool Rd, (R) Rynan Ave, (L) Camden Valley Way, (R) Cowpasture Rd, (L) Fifteenth Ave, (R) Kingsford Smith Ave to College.
07:35 Arrive College.

This Service also runs in the afternoon.

06:10 Depart College

Via M7, M5, Heathcote Rd, St George Cres. 3pt Turn at Bingara Dr to Bus Stop.

07:00 Depart Bus Stop, continue St George Rd, (R) Heathcote Rd, (R) Pleasure Point Rd. U-turn at car park. Stop at Cnr River View Rd,
07:05 Pleasure Point Rd, (R) Heathcote Rd, (R) The Avenue, (L) Boronia Dr. Stop Opposite Geebung Pl,
07:15 Boronia Dr, (L) Sirius Rd to Coach Rd.
07:16 Sirius Rd Opposite Challenger Rd,
07.17 Sirius Rd, Bus Stop at end of Footbridge,
07:18 Sirius Rd, (R) Boronia Dr (Bus Stop Cnr Indigo Crt),
07:20 Boronia Dr, (L) The Avenue. Stop Cnr Lilli Pilli Rd, Then The Avenue, (R) Heathcote Rd,

(L) M5, (L) M7, (L) Cowpasture Rd, (R) Flynn Ave, (R) Kingsford Smith Dr to College.

07:45 Arrive College

This Service also runs in the afternoon.


Student Drivers

The College has a policy on students driving to and from College which is published in the Parent & Student Handbook