Transition | Thomas Hassall Anglican College

Open Week




As we are a Prep to Year 12 co-educational school, we place great importance on a smooth transition for our students at each stage of their educational journey.

We have developed an intentional program to prepare our students, both existing and those who join us a different year levels, to develop the skills needed to make a positive and successful transition through the key milestones. There is a program for Prep to Kindergarten, Kindergarten to Junior School and Junior School to Senior School (Year 7). We also host a series of events and gatherings to ensure parents are ready too and we encourage full participation in this supportive and informative program of activities and gatherings.

This program covers an outline of the NESA syllabus in the Key Learning Areas (English, Maths, Geography, History, Science and Technology, Personal Development and Health, PE, Christian Studies and Creative Arts) as well as important new daily routines, reporting, relationships and excursions. Much emphasis is placed on growing independence to enable the students to become familiar with the College environment, rules and routine, social skills and physical skills. Further information can be obtained from our Enrolments Co-ordinator (Junior School)
E: [email protected]

The next big step is from Prep to Kindy. Our focus is to ensure every student makes a positive and successful start to ‘big school’ and that our students are prepared for life-longing learning. There is a strong emphasis on the skills needed such as: making meaningful friendships, independence and resilience. These important personal and social skills help to ensure our students excel in learning as they strive to achieve their personal best, within the very supportive and nurturing environment of Kindergarten. Further information can be obtained from our Enrolments Co-ordinator (Junior School)
E: [email protected]

Throughout Year 6 our current students are prepared for Senior School life as part of their termly program. This includes programs such as Location & Environment, SCIL, 1:1 Chrome Books, Study Centre and Peer Support.

Our Taster Day event is held annually for both current and new students who will join the College in Year 7. This event is a key part of the Transition Program and allows all students to experience ‘taster’ lessons in Senior School classrooms, meet their new teachers, learn about new routines and make new friends. Parents also participate in a Q & A Forum and have the opportunity to tour the campus and meet other families.

On commencement of Year 7 the students start ‘Ready, Set, Connect’, a two day course in which they participate in a range of activities that seek to connect them positively with the Senior School community and help them to start well and plan for the year ahead.

Year 7 Launch Camp is held at the start of the new school year and has a focus on making and sustaining friendships. Most activities are run in small groups which align to the allocated Pastoral Care groups and there is also a strong Christian focus. The camp is attended by the Year 11 Peer Support Leaders and key teaching staff.Further information can be obtained from our Enrolments Co-ordinator (Senior School)
E: [email protected]