Wellbeing | Thomas Hassall Anglican College

Open Week



Our wellbeing program incorporates our Positive Learning Behaviours program which allows the learner to be at their best, so that they can help others to be their best. We support our students as a whole person allowing them to develop healthy minds, bodies and attitudes.


Both Junior & Senior students at Thomas Hassall Anglican College are provided with leadership opportunities to help them to develop lifelong skills. Student leadership develops a sense of belonging to a community which is an important protective strategy in developing a resilient environment in our College. The College provides a range of leadership opportunities for students to reflect the diversity of the student population.

Students in leadership roles are delegated with specific roles and responsibilities.

Junior School Prefects represent the Junior School at a variety of events throughout the year. The size of the prefect team is determined by the Head of Junior School.

Senior School Leadership Team comprises of two College Captains (male and female) and two Vice Captains (male and female). The wider selection of prefects, both male and female, may vary in number according to the size of the Year 12 cohort and the quality of the candidates. The size of this Senior Leadership Group is to be determined by the Principal.

School Houses

The four Houses, named after great Christian role models are:

House Name Description Colour Emblem
Carmichael Named after Amy Carmichael, the famous Irishwoman missionary to India in the nineteenth century Yellow
Carmichael House
Lewis Named after C S Lewis, author of the Narnia stories and many other books Blue
Lewis House
Liddell Named after Eric Liddell, the famous Scottish athlete of the 1924 Olympic Games and subject of the film "Chariots of Fire" Green
Liddell House
Wilberforce Named after William Wilberforce the nineteenth century political and social reformer Red
Wilberforce House

The House system is also used for Pastoral Care classes in 7-12, so that students have a defined group with which they can identify. Each Senior School House will be led by a House Advisor assisted by House Leaders.

Pastoral Care

Thomas Hassall Anglican College incorporates a Pastoral Care Program.  Students in Senior School remain with the same Pastoral Care teacher in small class numbers throughout their schooling years.  This ensures the teacher is familiar with all their students and ensures that the student they have a safe space to discuss any issues that may arise.


Thomas Hassall Anglican College provides an educational environment where all students can feel safe, valued and respected. We work closely with students, parents and staff to prevent bullying and will actively investigate all reported bullying cases.


Our College counsellors are trained psychologists who work with students who have difficulties in both learning and relationships.  They have a wide range of skills and expertise that enable them to assist students, parents and teachers. This can range from issues that may be affecting a student’s educational  and emotional progress, issues such as;
•    adjustment,
•    learning difficulties,
•    anxiety and depression,
•    behavioural management,
•    special education,
•    social skills,
•    family relationships,
•    grief and loss,
•    personal development,
•    study skills,
•    protective behaviours,
•    transitioning across sectors,
•    conflict resolution

The College Counsellors meet with students who are either referred by their teacher or who make contact themselves. Parents are also free to discuss their son or daughter with the Counsellors by making an appointment via the College Office.

Learn About SchoolTV


The College has a full time nurse available for Students.  The first aid clinic contains epipens for emergencies.  The campus has 2 Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) Devices available in easy to access locations.   


Rev. Denis Oliver is the Chaplain at the College. He is happy to meet with parents and students if requested.

Contact With Parents

The College values communication with parents. If you have a concern, then please contact the relevant teacher or staff member of the College to discuss the matter.  Parents are provided with contact details for student teachers as well as the leadership team.