Learning and Teaching | Thomas Hassall Anglican College

Open Week



Learning and Teaching

Thomas Hassall Anglican College aims to create experiences for our students that inspire innovative thinking, inform their future and challenge them to use their God given gifts and talents to achieve beyond their expectations, for their lifetime.

Whilst each stage of learning and teaching is unique and different, there is consistency across our entire teaching team that ensures students are supported by a long-term view of their education whilst at the College. There is significant collegial sharing of information, ideas and techniques which supports each individual student through the academic, wellbeing and co-curricular programs. Their learning is the cause of our continuous reflection and improvement and is at the centre of all we do.

The work of Carol Dweck (Professor of Psychology Stanford University) on positive ‘growth mindset’ and Harvard researcher, Ron Ritchhart are used to inspire and inform our academic program that not only comprises curriculum (what is taught) but also our approach (how it is taught) to teaching and learning. Ritchhart say “culture is the hidden tool in transforming our schools and offering our students the best learning possible. It will determine how any curriculum comes to life”. Innovation and learning experiences in the classroom and beyond ensure that our graduates are not only prepared for life after school but are confident to thrive and take on new challenges. We are growing thinkers: creative, curious, confident, critical and compassionate thinkers who are able to ‘run the race’ (Hebrews 12:1-3) set before them with a plan and purpose, with positivity and hope.