Academic Program | Thomas Hassall Anglican College

Open Week



Academic Program

The College provides opportunities for learning through a range of experiences, in and out of the classroom, and in utilising a variety of teaching styles. We recognise the importance of the student trying and experimenting with ways to learn in a nurturing environment. Each stage of a child’s journey at College provide new opportunities for growth.

Under the nurturing guidance of our very well qualified and experienced teachers and teachers’ aides, our youngest learners start their life-long education journey in well-designed, fully equipped classrooms and a purpose-built playground. The students are introduced to all the Key Learning Areas covered in K – Year 6 at a level appropriate for their age (using NESA ES1 outcomes) which include:

English – speaking, listening, reading, viewing, writing and representing
Mathematics – numbers, algebra, measurement and geometry
Themes – such as Colour my World, All About Me, What’s the weather etc
Personal Development & Health – safety, hygiene, Our Bodies
Physical Education – gross motor skills, games, dance
Christian Studies – daily devotion, prayer, characteristic of God, the Bible overview, Easter and Christmas
Creative Arts – Song, drama, art and craft skills

There is also significant emphasis on growing independence for daily routines, food, friendships and as the year progresses, transition to Kindergarten. Children are exposed to numerous K to Year 6 activities and College life through events and assemblies.

College supplied ipads are used by all students.


‘Big School’ ensures that our students become more confident and have the ability to function well within the daily routine of College life. Within the safe and nurturing care of their teachers, the children learn to share, work in groups, follow instruction, form friendships and relate to others in their world. Learning occurs in purpose-built Kindergarten classrooms as well as the extensive Junior School grounds and facilities. 

‘Getting Reading Right’ Phonics makes reading lots of fun and small class sizes (up to 24 students) ensure each student is given individual attention across all curriculum-based learning areas. A 2:1 ipad program is in place as is a Peer Support Program in which each Kindergarten student is matched with a Year 6 ‘buddy’. Students also participate in concerts, the Tabloid Sport Carnival, various excursions, the Easter Hat Parade and Grandparents Day.

Spanish is spoken in 20 countries around the world by 450 million people and 21 million students … including students in Year 1 and 2 at Thomas Hassall Anglican College! This fabulous language program, along with the many other opportunities such as the Swimming Program, weekly Sport Program, Extension English and Mathematics (Year 2) as well as our Peer Support Program all ensure a dynamic and inspirational curriculum and co-curriculum offering for our young learners. The 2:1 ipad program started in Kindergarten continues, as does the ‘Get Reading Right’ Phonics program, allowing students to build confidence and grow their skill levels within small class sizes.

Students participate in an exciting and interesting program as they continue to build on their academic skills in Key Learning Areas. A fabulous Year 4 Band Program sees each student allocated a brass instrument and tutored by an instrumental specialist, as well as participate in performance opportunities and lunchtime concerts. A 2:1 College supplied laptop program as well as access to ipad technology is in place. The Sports Program (TAP) and IPSSO sport opportunities are available along with expert training from coaches, on campus. Peer Support continues as does the rigorous Mathematics Extension program.

The final years of Junior School bring a focus on transition to the Senior School years by developing further skills as well as increasing independence and learning accountability. Students are introduced to our Positive Learning Program and SCIL (Student Centred Independent Learning), which is much-enjoyed by all students who relish this interactive and inquiry based-learning methodology. Senior School specialist staff are involved in teaching Physical Education, Mathematics and Music which assists to ensure a smooth transition to Senior School as they become familiar with new teachers, learning methods and expectations. 1:1 laptops are provided by the College and there are numerous opportunities for personal development in the areas of leadership and citizenship.

Year 7-8 is a time of change and new opportunities. There are new faces, new routines and new experiences and new expectations. We know it can be quite an adjustment for some students (and parents!) and therefore we have intentional programs in place to ensure both students who have transitioned from our Junior School, as well as new students who start Senior School at the College, make a positive and successful start to Senior School . . . to embrace the opportunities available to them and fully contribute to their learning and personal development. Students are exposed to new academic courses and together with a vast co-curricular offering and the caring and supportive environment created by our sound approach to student wellbeing, they lay a firm foundation for their start to Senior School. Students will get the opportunity to try a wide range of subjects in Creative Arts (Drama, Visual Arts, Music), Technical and Applied Science (Woodwork, Food Technology, Computer Studies, Textiles & Design) and Languages (French, Japanese).

In Year 9-10 we see our students ‘step it up a notch’. Increasingly they begin to understand that each stage of learning is connected to their graduation results and ultimately the Higher School Certificate. Students are asked to select two subjects for study in Years 9 and 10, in addition to the core subjects of English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, PD/Health/PE and Christian Studies. There is a vast range of subjects* that the students can choose from including Child Studies, Commerce, Drama, Extreme History, Food Technology, French, Graphics Technology, Industrial Technology (Engineering, Timber , D&T), Information Software Technology, Japanese, Music, Photographic and Digital Media, Visual Arts etc. Through the camps, service opportunities and a range of extra-curricular opportunities students learn to grow in skill and independence. There are opportunities to travel (Japan, Europe) and be involved in the Duke of Edinburgh program (see co-curricular program).

*Subjects vary based on choices and demand

As our students enter the final two years of study at the College, it is not unusual for them to feel the weight of expectation as they face more adult responsibilities and experiences, both at school and beyond. Under the expert guidance and personal tuition of our caring and committed staff, students can be surprised by the way they are able to extend themselves, meet the challenge of increased workload and more rigorous demands of the curriculum. We love to see them embrace the higher order of learning to which they are exposed and rise up to the challenges.

All Year 11 and 12 students are required to study an English course and Christian Studies as well as participate in the College Sports Program (unless it clashes with an Extension class in English, Mathematics or History). Again, there is a vast array of subjects available to them and more information can be obtained from the Enrolments Office. In addition, students can choose to complete a TVET course as part of their study and there is a comprehensive range of options. Further information is available from Enrolments or the College Careers Advisor.

For information about current subjects click here