Applying Now | Thomas Hassall Anglican College

Open Week


Applying Now

Thank you for your interest in Thomas Hassall Anglican College and we look forward to partnering with you in the education of your child.

You can apply here or alternatively contact our Enrolments Staff and we will post you an Enrolment Package which includes a Prospectus, Application Form, Policy and Fee Schedule.

Applications are open for 2024 and beyond. Limited places are also available for immediate starters in 2023 in some grades.

We will send acknowledgement of your Application within 48 hours. Formal interview are held in Term 2 of the year preceding enrolment.


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Application Process

Parents are required to present:

  • a certified copy of the child’s birth certificate/evidence of Australian citizenship,
  • two passport sized photographs of their child, evidence of childhood immunisation,
  • copy of any relevant school reports or progress (in the case of Kindergarten)
  • disclose details of an educational, medical or other support that the child has or is receiving. This should include information regarding relevant learning needs to ensure appropriate assessment of requirements.

Children will not be offered a place in Kindergarten unless they will have reached the age of five years by 30 April in the Kindergarten year. Likewise, children will not be offered a place in Prep unless they will have reached the age of 4 years by 30 April in the Prep year.

An offer of a place at the College will only be made following an interview with the Principal, Deputy Principals or their nominee. The Principal has total discretion on places of offer and will consider the education needs of each application. Where necessary, further consultation with parents, family or other relevant people will be conducted. Strategies to accommodate applicants will be identified and consider before an offer is made.

Offers will be prioritised in accordance with attendance of siblings and then in order of date of receipt of application and following interview. A response to the offer is required within 14 days. If there is no place available at the time, a place is offered on the waiting list and when a vacancy becomes available a place is offered.

All enrolment procedures and practices comply with the state and federal anti-discrimation laws.

Fees are reviewed annually by the College Council.